Advert Rate

Advert Rates
With thousands of people visiting Prestige Real Estate News platform everyday for breaking news and in-depth news analysis, local and multinational organizations are taking the advantage of this by advertising on our site for global visibility.
Sizes (in pixels) Monthly (=N=) Quarterly (=N=) Annually (=N=)
Full banner (468 x 60) N660,000 N1,530,000 N5,240,400
Half banner (234 x 60) N200,000 N550,000 N2,300,000
Medium rectangle (300 x 250) N500,000 N1,450,000 N5,700,000
Button 1 (120 x 90) N150,000 N405,000 N1,700,000
Button 2 (120 x 60) N120,000 N330,000 N1,390,800
Leaderboard (728 x 90) N700,000 N1,850,000 N6,700,000
Sponsored Text/Link
(Max 30 words) N60,000 N150,000 N670,000
*All prices are VAT inclusive
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